order your Image of Power



We get to know each other. You tell me about your old life, where you’re headed, and what kind of life you desire.

Once I get to know you and sense your emotions, I’m connected with your energy field, feeling what’s happening, whether you’ve already made the decision about your new life and if you’re moving towards it.


In my mind, an image is formed, with you as the protagonist, your energy, or how my heart perceives you. You are there from the future, with all the positive emotions that have been missing from your life so far.

Before starting my daily work with the image, I meditate to elevate my vibration. You must know that the energy with which we do or create something remains in the object. Your Image of Power should be imbued with the energy of love, so that when you look at it, you feel waves of wonderful emotions. That’s why I don’t paint when I’m having a weaker day and not in a high-energy state.

A sketch is created. I’m connected to your energy field all the time, and on the first layer of the painting, I apply energy centers, embedding them and reciting appropriate mantras, filling them with the most potent remedy – love. If you’re attentive to your emotions, you’ll start feeling a change at this stage.

The image usually evolves as you change, working on yourself and vibrating in different ways. Practically until the end of the painting process, something from the energy field arrives that needs to be included in the image.


Hang the completed image in a visible place. Every time you look at it, you fill yourself with joy and emotions that you feel while living your dream life. This is your external visualization. It’s a mirror in which you see yourself. You see yourself as you want to become and as you’re becoming right now. And you’re becoming a different person with a different energy, and your life starts aligning with this new energy.

If you want to accelerate the change, I invite you to an online course where you’ll learn how to elevate your vibration, how to work with words, thoughts, and your body.

Order your personalized Image of Power now!

To order or learn more about IMAGES OF POWER, please contact me via WhatsApp at: +48 503 653 003
You can send a message using the WhatsApp icon below.

And if you prefer, you can email me at: info@kamilakaminska.com

Gallery - How the Images of Power are Created: