personal transformation course

zmiana wibracji


I invite you to the extraordinary ART-LANTYDA workshops, where the brush in your hand becomes a tool for self-expression, and your breath leads to a deep immersion in intuition and the creative process. Allow your mind to rest in peace and harmony, in a meditative state. Create your new universe reflecting your new vibration. These are not just artistic workshops; it’s a journey of discovering your inner power, creativity, and agency. Experience the magic of creation and manifest your new life!

At this event:

  • You will gain knowledge about the brain and mind’s functioning.
  • You will learn how thoughts and words shape your reality and how to work with them.
  • You’ll get closer to your intuition and learn how to listen to it to follow its guidance.
  • You’ll open your heart chakra, responsible for creating your universe.
  • You’ll pick up the brush and ignite your creativity.
  • You’ll undergo transformation, seeing yourself today and establishing your future self.
  • You’ll learn how to raise your vibration while being immersed in love and gratitude.
  • You’ll shift the energy within your body and learn how to work with your body so it doesn’t react through old habits.
  • You’ll receive tools to help you create your new universe at any moment, every day!

See you at Artlantyda!♥♥♥

Upcoming live event dates:

The upcoming live workshops will take place during the WE ARE ATLANTIS Festival, to which you are warmly invited.

The festival spans 6 magical days filled with valuable workshops. It will be held from October 30th to November 4th, 2023, in Puerto de la Cruz on Tenerife.

I warmly invite you to take part in the ART-LANTYDA workshop and many others, with the program including:

  • Full-day workshops on grounding and energetic anatomy of the legs, redirecting energy downwards, effectively releasing legs, hips, and pelvis, psychology of body areas, and trauma release, all based on Thai massage.
  • Full-day workshops on foot reflexology, teaching how to immediately alleviate pain, induce relaxation in the entire body, stimulate self-healing and self-regeneration.
  • Workshops on systemic constellations and working in the field of change, uncovering and releasing emotions causing blockages on different life levels.
  • Workshops opening the heart chakra, connecting with intuition, awakening creativity, and leading to the creation of your new world through meditation and intuitive painting.
  • A cacao and heart medicine ceremony led by an Amazonian shaman, combined with intuitive and ecstatic dance.
  • Gong sound baths, deep vibrations working with the body, emotions, and mind.
  • Viva La VIDA fiesta! With live music, drums, and spontaneous dancing.
  • Visits to power places on the island with an incredible guide drawing knowledge from Canarian wise women and descendants of the Guanche people.
  • In the package, all elements in their immense power: ocean waters, volcano fire, black earth, space.
  • The high vibration of the island accelerates manifestation and transformation processes!

Join us from October 30th to November 4th, 2023, to experience and feel it all, gain knowledge, and return home with tools you can use in your development! 🥰♥️♥️♥️